The Victoria Child Abuse Prevention and Counselling Centre and Victoria and West Shore Child and Youth Advocacy Centre are located on the traditional unceded territories of the Coast Salish peoples on the traditional lands of the Esquimalt and Songhees Nations.
Our team works and provides services across the Greater Victoria Area, including Pauquachin, Tsawout, Tsartlip, Malahat, Scia’new, T’Souke, Esquimalt, and Songhees territories. Our team acknowledges the land and traditional territories of these nations. It is our honour to work and provide support on the land of the Coast Salish, Lekwungen, Nuu-chah-nulth, and Diitidaht peoples.
We strive to be a welcoming and respectful environment for all individuals, families, and caregivers. We work towards removing barriers to services and providing support that is appropriate and respectful of diversity. Our Centres provide services to all children, youth, and families who have been impacted by abuse, trauma, or violence inclusive of individuals of all diverse abilities, bodies, races, ethnicities, cultures, genders, sexualities, orientations, identities, religions, and spiritualties.
Our team at the Victoria Child Abuse Prevention & Counselling Centre are dedicated professionals who support children and youth through their healing process. Our therapists and victim services teams maintain the highest standard of practice and education requirements through continued professional development, adherence to CARF accreditations standards, and professional affiliations to provide the best services to our clients. We aspire to ensure every child that enters through our doors at the Victoria Child Abuse Prevention and Counselling Centre are seen as the whole child and feel that they are in a safe, caring, and supportive space.
VCAPCC is the primary provider of therapy and victim services for children and youth in Greater Victoria who experienced abuse. The Centre is Victoria's only non-profit agency dedicated to the treatment and support of child victims of abuse, and the prevention of child abuse in all forms. The Centre provides support to more than 400 children and youth each year who have experienced or been affected by abuse. Staff work with schools, police and professionals in family services, child protection, special needs and other services to ensure a coordinated, holistic approach to supporting children and families. Agency services are accessible, inclusive, equitable, culturally safe, and consider the accommodation of diverse needs.
Child abuse hurts the child, the family and society. It is not just an individual problem, but a family and social problem. Society, including each community, has an obligation to respond to the problem of child abuse. The Child Abuse Prevention and Counselling Society of Greater Victoria is a non profit organization providing a response in our community.
The primary mission of the Child Abuse Prevention and Counselling Society of Greater Victoria is to help children and their families heal from child abuse. We believe that:
CARF accreditation is a public seal of trust and commitment to quality based on internationally accepted standards. Achieving this accreditation demonstrates our commitment to exceptional, personalized care. An organization receiving the highest level of CARF accreditation has undergone a detailed peer review process and has demonstrated to a team of surveyors, during an on-site visit, its commitment to providing programs and services of the highest quality. For more information visit
Client information collected by VCAPCC is collected, and privacy is maintained in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Act (PIPA) and Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPPA)
For questions and concerns, please contact our privacy officer at:
(250) 385-6111 | 101-1208 Wharf Street, Victoria, BC, V8T 3J7